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Explore different majors and courses from different school sectors and types within Cambodia.

Engineering & Architecture

The study on the design of all building systems, including the mechanical, lighting/electrical, and structural systems of a building.

Information Technology

The study on the design of all building systems, including the mechanical, lighting/electrical, and structural systems of a building.

Design & Art

The study on the design of all building systems, including the mechanical, lighting/electrical, and structural systems of a building.

Business & Entrepreneurship

The study on the design of all building systems, including the mechanical, lighting/electrical, and structural systems of a building.


The study on the design of all building systems, including the mechanical, lighting/electrical, and structural systems of a building.


The study on the design of all building systems, including the mechanical, lighting/electrical, and structural systems of a building.

Banking & Finance

The study on the design of all building systems, including the mechanical, lighting/electrical, and structural systems of a building.

Management & Leadership

The study on the design of all building systems, including the mechanical, lighting/electrical, and structural systems of a building.

Foreign Language

The study on the design of all building systems, including the mechanical, lighting/electrical, and structural systems of a building.

Law & Public Administration

The study on the design of all building systems, including the mechanical, lighting/electrical, and structural systems of a building.